Friday, 28 November 2008

Travel guide writers needed

Fastcheck AB is based in Gothenburg, Sweden and produces online travel guides.

They're currently in need of someone to write guides for the below cities:
Sau Paulo
Los Cabos

Payment will be in Euro and the guide(s) need to be finished by Christmas.

For more information please email:

The Writer's Digest International Self-Published Book Awards

Deadline: May 01, 2009

Writer's Digest is now accepting entries for the 17th Annual Self-Published Book Awards. Giving away more than $17,000 in prizes. Also new for 2009, you can register and pay for your entry online.


ONE GRAND PRIZE WINNER will be awarded $3,000 cash and promotion in Writer's Digest and Publishers Weekly. The editors of Writer'sDigest will endorse and submit 10 copies of theGrand Prize-Winning book to major review housessuch as The New York Times and The Washington Post. In addition, Book Marketing Works, LLC will provide a one-year membership in Publishers Marketing Association, guarenteed acceptance in a special-sales catalog providing national representation through 1800 salespeople selling to non-bookstore markets, guaranteed acceptance by Atlas Books (a top distributor to wholeslaers, chains, independents and online retailers), six hours of book shepherding from Poynter Book Shepherd Ellen Reid and guaranteed review in Midwest Book Review.

10 FIRST-PLACE WINNERS will receive $1000 cash and promotion in Writer'sDigest. In addition, Book Marketing Works, LLC will provide a guaranteed review in Midwest Book Review, a one-year membership to Book Central Station, the eBook Beyong the Bookstore, a Publishers Weekly book by Brian Jud and a copy of Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers by Shel Horowitz.

Plus, all Grand Prize and First Place winners will receive book-jacket seals to promote the award-winning status of their book, promotion on the Writer's Digest Web site at, a copy of The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing, 4th Edition by Tom and Marilyn Ross, $100 worth or Writer’s Digest Books and a Notable Award Certificate.

HONORABLE MENTION WINNERS will receive promotion at, $50 worth of Writer's Digest Books and a Notable Award Certificate.

All other entrants will receive Certificates of Participation, a brief judge's commentary and a listing with a link on the Writer's Digest Web site, provided an accurate URL is provided.


  • Mainstream/Literary Fiction
  • Genre Fiction
  • Nonfiction
  • Inspirational (Spiritual, New Age)
  • Life Stories (Biographies, Autobiographies, Family Histories, Memoirs)
  • Children's Picture books
  • Middle-Grade/Young Adult books
  • Reference Books (Directories, Encyclopedias, Guide Books)
  • Poetry
  • Humor

Click here for details or to enter online

All winners for the 16th Annual Awards (the deadline was May 1, 2008) will be notified by October 13, 2008. Results will not otherwise be made public until they are published in the April 2009 issue.

Check out the April 2008 issue of Writer's Digest for a look at the winners of the 15th Annual International Self-Published Book Awards. Click here for a list of winners and entrants.

Chinese New Year Day

Here are the dates of Chinese New Year:

YearChinese New Year Day
Animal Sign

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Ski & Snowboard Instructors to Write for New Activities Website

Who you are:
You’re an accredited ski and/or snowboard instructor or expert (e.g., PSIA, AASI, etc.) who loves to share your knowledge about your sport. You’re the first one on the mountain at the beginning of each season and always the last one off. You seek out slopes in far away destinations off-peak and are always in the know about the latest technology and trends. You are eager to communicate your passion and you’ve maybe even started a blog or two or participated in social networking sites about skiing or boarding. Aside from shredding up fresh power or attacking mogul fields, you enjoy crafting sentences together to share what you know.

Who we are:
We are the first comprehensive interactive website for the savvy indulgent enthusiast focused on participatory recreational activities. Participatory recreational activities are active pursuits, not just spectator events. Think of hitting the slopes, not just sitting in the lodge sipping hot cocoa waiting for your friends to arrive. The website is a cross between a magazine, a directory and an online community for such activities. Imagine Yahoo! Groups meets Freeskier or Snowboarder Magazine. Except it’s for over 30 different activities all in one place, and conversations across activities are all inter-related.

What you’ll do:
A focus of community interaction on the site is the sharing of tips around people’s recreational interests. We’re looking for you to write tips based on your skiing and/or snowboarding expertise. This opportunity is for you if you enjoy writing about what you already know and love. No research required!

# Tips are very short-form content, not the feature stories atop our snowsports home page
# You should be able to write each tip in under 15 minutes
# You can add a link back to your blog or website from your tips and profile

How it works:
# Get approved by our team
# Once approved, you’ll earn $8 for every tip that is accepted on the site
# We will also provide a matching donation of $0.50 to the American Heart Association for each approved tip
# You must commit to writing at least 5 tips
# Payment will be made by PayPal approximately every two weeks
# Program runs from Nov 24, 2008 to Dec 31, 2008

Get started:
Send us a reply with “Freelance Ski/Snowboard Tip Writer” in the subject line and a cover memo a) convincing us that you would be a great ski/snowboard tip writer and b) indicating how many tips you would like to write. Also be sure to include a resume highlighting your skiing and/or snowboarding experience.

Click to check out our Snowsports home page or our site home where you’ll find a site tour.

* Compensation: $8 per approved tip plus matching donation of US$0.50 to American Heart Association
* Telecommuting is ok.
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests. Passionate Bloggers Wanted

Want to reach millions of passionate readers and make a difference with your blog?

Blog on a site that shares your passions and is making the world a better place. With more than 9 million members and 400 non-profit partners, Care2 is the largest and most trusted online community empowering people to lead healthier, more sustainable lifestyles while taking action on important causes.

Care2 is seeking bloggers for the following categories:
> Animal Welfare
> Environment & Wildlife
> Civil Rights
> Global Warming
> Health Policy
> Feng Shui
> Healthy Beauty
> Human Rights
> Green Fashion
> Green on a budget
> Green Tech/Gadgets
> Organic Gardening
> Pets
> Politics
> Women’s Rights

1. Must be knowledgeable, insightful and passionate about one or more of the categories.
2. Excellent writing skills
3. Ability to use WordPress or similar content management tool
4. Generate one to two posts per week (with option to increase frequency)
5. Timely, relevant content is key; minimum 350 words per post, original content.

Per post, dependent on experience, with potential bonuses for high traffic and comment posts.

How to apply
Please email resume, examples of previous work/links to blog to healthy& Please put ProBlogger Post in subject line.

Writing Contest: PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award (US$10,000)

Prize: US$10,000

Deadline: December 16, 2008.

This prize will go to the author of a distinguished book of general nonfiction possessing notable literary merit and critical perspective and illuminating important contemporary issues which has been published in the United States during the previous two calendar years. The book should possess the qualities of intellectual rigor and importance, perspicuity of expression, and stylistic elegance conspicuous in the writings of author and economist John Kenneth Galbraith, whose four dozen books and countless other publications continue to provide an important and incisive commentary on the American social, intellectual and political scene.

Who Is Eligible:
A candidate’s book of nonfiction must have been published in the United States between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2008. Candidates need not be U.S. residents. Biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs are not accepted.

Nominations are welcome from writers, publishers, editors, and literary agents. One need not be a Member of PEN to submit a nomination.

How to Apply:

1.) Pay the US$50 entry fee online and proceed to checkout. If paying by check, skip to step 2.
2.) Fill out the online submission form and click "submit."
3.) Mail three copies of the candidate's book, your printed submission form, and proof of online payment or a check to:

For more information, click here.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

PRESS TRIP: Breckenridge, Colorado - International Snow Sculpture Championships

PRESS TRIP ANNOUNCEMENT: Experience the transformation of snow into art at Breckenridge's International Snow Sculpture Championships

DESTINATION: Breckenridge, Colorado

DATES: Any time between January 20 – 25, 2009

INCLUSIONS: Lodging and a press pass to Breckenridge’s International Snow Sculpture Championships. Some meals and activities included. Airfare and transportation assistance may be available to qualified journalists.

EXCLUSIONS: Hard alcohol, gratuities, activities away from the property and all personal purchases.

JOURNALIST REQUIREMENTS: Seeking one or two journalists on assignment with a major outdoor publication, daily newspaper travel section or a major travel publication. If you are a freelancer, you may be eligible for this trip, however writers with assignments will be given priority. Please provide clips or links to current articles or publications. Journalists will be considered based on the criteria of national exposure, circulation of publication and Letter of Assignment.

DESCRIPTION: Experience the visual grace of the creation and exhibition of fleeting art. The Budweiser International Snow Sculpture Championships return to the Victorian mountain town of Breckenridge, Colorado for the 19th year from January 20-25, 2009.

For the 2009 event,16 teams from around the globe have been invited to compete from nine countries including Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the USA. Snow Sculpting is attended annually by more than 30,000 people of all ages from across America and the world and has ben named by USA Today as "one of the top 10 ways to celebrate winter." During the event, four-person teams are assigned 12-foot-tall, 20-ton blocks of machine-made snow. These teams work within a five-day period to create sensational sculptures. From these blocks of snow, the teams often create enormous pieces of whimsy, although some deliver powerful political or social commentary. Some sculptures are even interactive and allow spectators to experience the tactile as well as visual grace of the fleeting exhibit (photos available upon request.)

While in Breckenridge, journalists will also have the opportunity to experience the town's unique mining history (Breckenridge celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2009) and the wealth of adventure waiting just out the backdoor. Possible activities to experience include cross country skiing, snowshoeing, downhill skiing, ice skating, a sleigh ride, dog sledding and more.

Bloggers for new web service beta

Dyalogues, a site that allows bloggers to have 2-way conversations on arts/entertainment, politics, and technology, is looking for beta users who:

* love expressing their opinion in an honest, engaging way (on politics, movies, books, technology and gadgets, etc.)
* can invite someone else - a friend or fellow blogger - to dyalogue with them
* can provide feedback to us

Each completed dyalogue earns each participant US$10. So you can invite a friend who writes well, too, and they will earn US$10, too. This is a great way to review a movie you watched together, or debate a political matter you've emailed or commented on together. And, once we see your first and if we like what we see, then yes, you can do many more.

Here are some samples (to get a feel for the format):
Debate > Politics:
Review > Books:

Please email a link to your blog, and your general interests (debates and/or reviews, and topic area: arts/entertainment, politics, and/or technology)

Reply to:

Niche trade magazine seeks freelance writer (Oklahoma city, USA )

Trade magazine written for an industry with 1,500 small retailers in the U.S. seeks a permanent freelance writer. We need an individual with published experience writing for one or more niche retail industries. This is a small publication: you will be conducting your own research, interviews, fact checking, transcribing and writing. We need a well-organized, accurate, versatile person with a fully equipped home office (Internet, fax, phone recorder for interviews, etc.). Have a track record of supplying polished copy that will require little editing. Your articles assignments will include supplier question and answer pieces, dealer profiles and personality profiles. Issue-related stories about how small retailers can succeed despite threats from big boxes, Internet, etc. Minimum 1 year experience. Prefer degree in journalism and experience with a major niche-market publisher.

Reply to:

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Online Magazine Seeks Knowledgable Music Writers

We are a recently developed and innovative online music magazine that provides freelancer music writers with an opportunity to be heard. We are building a team of talented writers to write album reviews, features, concert reviews, and online interviews we assign them to as well as reviews they want to write about and feel are relevant. We are collaborative and open to many ideas. We want you to feel you’re part of a team with all the freedom and avenues of expression that come with it!

We also pay according to how much your review is read versus a flat fee. That way the more money we make the more money you make!!

Please email us at the above email with a piece that you’ve written (a resume would also be helpful, but writing sample is more important) and we thank you for your submission! We will be reviewing applications for the next few weeks and will get back to those who apply within that time.

Reply to:

Monday, 24 November 2008

Freelance Writing Careers (by Angela Stringfellow)

As a writer, you probably read the stories about writers who are working from home and making six-figure salaries with envy, and wonder, "Why can't that be me? I must not be good enough to make that kind of money." I'm here to tell you that it's possible for anyone to build a very successful freelance writing career and earn a six-figure salary, while never leaving home.

The key is diversification and flexibility. You have to be able to diversify your talents and be flexible enough to apply them to a variety of different sub-fields within the broader writing category. While your passion may be fiction writing, you still need to put food on the table while you write your novel. It's still important to pursue what you're most passionate about, but being flexible enough to apply your talents in more profitable areas will allow you the freedom to pursue your ultimate dream. Are you flexible enough and motivated enough to use your talents in other areas that have the potential to make you lots of money?

There are endless possibilities of profitable areas you could pursue in your writing career. Networking and marketing yourself properly could land you freelance writing opportunities in blogging, writing e-books, ghostwriting, copywriting, resume writing, and more. Corporations are always in need of talented writers to write copy for their websites, for external communications, such as press releases, and even internal communications. While many companies utilize in-house staff for these tasks, most often it's a secondary job for a staff member who has no experience in writing other than what they've done for that company. It's your job to educate them on how outsourcing those tasks to a professional writer could net them greater results from their communication efforts.

There are two challenges most often faced by writers, and I have solutions for both. The first is that most writers are, by nature, not skilled in the areas of accounting and business management. I chose to outsource my back-office functions to a company called MBO Partners, which handles contracts, invoicing and collections. They also act as an employer of record, which means I get a single W-2 at the end of the year, simplifying my tax-management process. I still have control over my business, still market my own services and choose which clients I work for, but still am able to take advantage of all the tax deductions that come with owning a business.

The second challenge most often faced by freelance writers is the ability to market our own services. Typically writers have more introverted personalities, and most of us aren't comfortable tooting our own horn. Thanks to the internet, it's not necessary to have face-to-face interaction with potential clients in order to get new business. There are many indirect ways to attract customers that are highly effective, although it is still beneficial to fine-tune our sales skills and have the courage to make cold calls now and then. It's also still necessary to take initiative and submit proposals for potential work. Go to your potential customers with ideas and solutions; don't simply send an email saying, ?Hi, I'm a freelance writer, do you have any writing needs?" Make sure you do your research on your potential clients and think of how what you offer can improve their business. That's the information you need to convey when approaching a customer.

I have found that it's essential for any freelancer or independent consultant to have a web presence. Websites are much more affordable than they used to be, and if you have any tech savvy you might even be able to create your own. As a writer, you should also have a blog. This is a perfect opportunity to showcase your writing abilities, and gives you an easy place to point potential clients where they can get a feel for your style. It's also important to network using the internet. There are a ton of social networking sites that allow you to build a profile explaining your business and services. Get involved; participate in discussions and make contacts. Offering free advice is the best way to position yourself as an expert in a given field, and the best way to get clients coming to you without minimal effort on your part.

While all this may take some time, it's easy to see that anyone willing to diversify their skills and dedicate the time and effort to an effective marketing strategy can build a solid base of clients that could net them a significant income while working from home.

About the Author
Angela Stringfellow is a marketing communications consultant and an MBO Partners associate. Visit their website,

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Road Junky 2008 Gonzo Travel Writing Contest: Hell Trips

This is not about romantic getaway, places you fell in love with, gorgeous mountains, best food, etc. The Road Junky 2008 Gonzo Travel Writing Contest is all about the nightmare & worst rip-off stories, the hell trips when everything that could go wrong did. About your worst journeys, your near-death experiences, when you were robbed, beaten up, extorted, heartbroken or brainwashed.

Contest Guidelines

1. Stories should be between 800 and 1500 words and sent as .doc or .rtf files.

2. No fiction.

3. Enclose your name, age and whatever you consider to be your nationality.

4. Please, please have a good read of Road Junky first. It’ll improve your chances if you know what kind of voice we look for. “How My Photos of Niagara Falls Got Deleted” is unlikely to win.

5. Closing date for entries is December 31st 2008. Winners will be chosen when we’ve recovered from our hangovers.


First Prize – $400
Second Prize – $200
Third Prize – $100

More info here.

Writing tips and Writing leads

Travel writing seems like a dream job: a life on the road, going exotic places, writing whenever you wanted and getting paid for it! Get tips on how to break into the business, learn more about what it's really like working as a travel writer and get feedback on your own stories.

You can find writing tips and writing leads on Written Road.

Jazeera Airways partners with Favourite Holidays

Jazeera Airways, the premier low cost airline of Kuwait, have appointed Favourite Holidays as their Sales Agent with effect from November 20th 2008. The Airline which was formed in 2005, is one of the worlds leading low cost Airlines with a fleet of brand new Airbus A320s, flying to the Middle East’s most popular destinations for both business and leisure.

Saturday, 22 November 2008


Date: January 24-25, 2009

Place: Rockland, Maine, a.k.a. Pie Town, USA

Enjoy a Pie-Rade of fun to celebrate National Pie Day.

Food, travel and lifestyle media are invited to visit Rockland, Maine, a.k.a. Pie Town USA, as the Historic Inns of Rockland pull out all the rolling pins for the 5th Annual Pies on Parade Inn to Inn Pie Tour.

What's Included?
  • 2 nights accommodations at the Berry Manor Inn, LimeRock Inn or Captain Lindsey House, for you & one guest.
  • breakfast each morning
  • dinner at Rockland's restaurants
  • complimentary admission to area museums
  • visit Rockland's Farnsworth Art Museum & Andrew Wyeth Gallery
  • visit the Maine Lighthouse Museum
  • experience Rockland's fabulous restaurants and galleries.
  • tickets to Pies On Parade
  • two tickets to the Inn to Inn Pie Tour on January 25, from 1:00-4:00pm.
  • Meet the "Pie Moms" made famous by Bobby Flay's "Throw Down" show
  • sample fabulous sweet, savory, egg and meat pies at five Rockland inns.
  • demonstrations on pie-making and take home original recipes for making your own pies. You can even participate alongside expert pie-makers if you're interested in learning some hands-on tips.

What's Not Included?
Transportation is on your own.

Interested journalists can contact Marti Mayne at or +1 207-846-6331. Please include details about your background, your intention for the story and your contact information.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Do you need valid Press ID to gain media Access?

International Press Association is an 18 year old, global web based organization, that offers members an opportunity to have their work viewed by millions of visitors to the IPA web site. Each member has an opportunity to display their photos, videos and articles in their own professional members profile on our web site. IPA members also qualify for our IPA Press identification that will aid them in gaining important media access to trade and consumer shows, major events, concerts and much more.

IPA's mission focuses on building credibility and exposure for ethical independent media professionals worldwide. We have selective member policies, and seek to level the playing field for the explosively growing population of independent media.

Most members are photographers, photojournalists, journalists and videographers with a sprinkling of beautiful models.

For more info:

Around-the-World Travel Adventure Competition

Looking To Crown The World's Greatest Travelers

SANTA MONICA, CA - 19 November 2008 - Ever sit on the couch watching The Amazing Race, and say: "I could do that!" Well, now you can participate in what Outside magazine calls, " of the most amazing trips in the world!" But could you win the real life around the world travel adventure competition?

Who are The World's Greatest Travelers? Travel writers, tour guides, travel agents, former reality TV contestants? However, so far, the winners of the annual around the world travel adventure competition have just been wonderfully resourceful and instinctive travelers, not travel professionals. So, YOU MAY BE THE ONE!

The 5th annual three-week international travel adventure competition that will visit at least 10 nations on 4 continents begins again next April 19th, 2009, and the field of 25 two-person teams is filling up fast.

"We had some good chuckles in London," says Event Director William D. Chalmers, "The challenge has been made that's for sure. Travel agents always claim they are the best travelers, but someone in London said many were more a kin to high school guidance counsellors--they tell you where to go but have never personally been there themselves. We've had travel writers compete previously thinking they were the greatest travelers--but this is no fam trip, no press junket--it is a serious competition and they seem to wilt under the marathon-like pressure of actually having to do scavenges themselves. And then there are the professional tour operators who think they are the best travelers because of their 'niche experience'. Well, their narrow experience doesn't seem to prepare them for this worldwide event," laughs, Chalmers a previous winner of an around the world race and travel book author.

And so, The Global Scavenger Hunt is now looking to fill the final few open slots with highly-motivated globetrotting adventurers who think they have what it takes to go on A Blind Date With The WorldT, compete against other travel savvy competitors trying to overcome the event's numerous challenges and win the title of The World's Greatest TravelersT. Travelers will race from Los Angeles to New York-the really long way!

One former participant said the travel competition was, " Survivor, The Amazing Race and the Eco-Challenge all rolled into one except with MUCH more cultural interaction!"

"The Global Scavenger Hunt is all about allowing real travelers to compete in a real travel adventure competition, for all the right reasons--the love of travel, trusting strangers in strange lands and giving something back to the planet," continues the Event's Director, "Some have called our annual event the 'Olympics of Travel', some refer to it as A Blind Date with the World because our travelers won't have any foreknowledge as to what countries they're going to until they're onboard a 747 bound for parts unknown, and some have even called it a 'Magical Mystery Tour'. I like that one!"

A cultural immersion at its best, the travel competition event is designed to be a rally rather than a flat out race. The object is to test each Team's ability to combat not only the inevitable jetlag, but language difficulties, cultural differences, their appetite for strange foods, logistical snafus, and Team dynamics in the atmosphere of a well organized competition. Truly the 'Olympics of Travel,' couch potatoes and armchair travelers need not apply. This real world travel adventure competition is only for the hardiest and most curious travel savvy Type-A globetrotters. GreatEscape2009 is for those who crave authentic adventure, genuine exotic travel, real competition and world-class fun while being a roaming travel ambassador.

But there is much more to this event than riding elephants, swimming with sharks, visiting the great ancient bazaars of the world and witnessing Sahara sunrises and Himalayan sunsets--there are lives to change! The event is a global travel-a-thon that has participants traveling a million kilometers for the $1 million goal to raise money for life-changing organizations. Last year's event helped scores of families with micro-loans and helped construct and fund three elementary schools in Niger, Sri Lanka and Sierra Leone in conjunction with organizations like Kiva, The Nomad Foundation and Free the Children. Funds raised also support Doctors without Borders, Partners in Health and CARE, among others.

The Global Scavenger Hunt is limited to 25 two-person Teams (singles may apply). The entry fee of US$9,900 per person covers all international airfare, 23-nights in First Class hotels and about 40% of meals. Teams are interviewed for suitability.

Visit and apply online at or call 310.281.7809.

Press Trip: Southern Patagonia, South America

Location: Southern Patagonia, South America

Dates: Open

Inclusions: All traveling expenses (including air), up to 8 days of all inclusive accommodations on board the ship, regular programmed events and up to two National Parks in Argentina and Chile.

Exclusions: Personal items; gratuities; additional excursions.

Journalist Requirements: Writers with assignments only. Writers with an assignment for an article related to adventure travel, family travel, or outdoors will be given first priority. You need to write for a major publication (100,000 circulation or more), either on full time or freelance assignment. Need to provide published clips or links to articles / publications in the application. Journalists will be considered based on the criteria of national exposure, circulation of publication, and Letter of Assignment.

Description: Cruceros Australis of Santiago, Chile offers expedition cruises to some of the most beautiful and rarely explored regions of the world. Travel to Tierra del Fuego in Southern Argentina and sail the Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel to see some of the world’s most breathtaking scenery and wildlife. Cruises are offered September through April each year with three night (Ushuaia to Punta Arenas) or four night (Punta Arenas to Ushuaia) itineraries, or combine them into a seven night round trip cruise. Passengers may take optional tours to Tierra del Fuego National Park or a catamaran sail to the Island of the Birds and Sea Lions, or visit Villa Marina Resort with a stop at Garibaldi Pass and Lake Escondido. The return journey from Ushuaia includes a visit to Cape Horn, where passengers may disembark if weather allows. This is the last headland before arriving in Antarctica, and also the place where the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans meet. The trip includes daily excursions in Zodiac boats, directed by the multilingual expedition team, complemented by cultural lectures about the natural surroundings. The cruise is “all-inclusive”: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and an open bar for wine, beer, liquor and other beverages.

For more info, visit Cruceros Australis

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Free Trip: Santa Fe (USA) Wine & Chile Fiesta Culinary & Shopping FAM

Date: December 4 to 7, 2008

Press Trip highlights:
  • Champagne Wine Reception at Gruet Winery - Gruet et Fils had produced fine Champagne in Bethon, France, since 1952.
  • Dine at popular Santa Fe restaurants - Coyote Cafe, Geronimo's, Railyard Restaurant, Maria's New Mexican Kitchen, Pasqual's, Zia Diner, Amavi, etc.
  • Tour and shop at the Santa Fe Farmer's Market
  • Meet Local Chef and Restaurant Owner
  • Scenic drive to Chimayo with a visit to Gabriel's Restaurant for Margaritas and table-side Guacamole
  • Mimosa Brunch at the World renowned Inn of the Anasazi Hotel Restaurant
  • Shopping around the Historic Downtown Plaza and Canyon Road

This press fam is all inclusive of air travel within the USA, ground transportation in New Mexico, hotel accommodations and meals.

For applications and detail trip itineraries, visit

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Green travel

Adventure magazine deals in advneture sports will have a green issue out early 2009.
They're looking for any and all features that relate to 'green' travel - in particular anything to do with adventure travel. Not how green is my sleeping bag but features that have something to say with some punch from polluted oceans to carbon footprints ... totally open to ideas.

Steve Dickinson